perm filename THEORY[0,BGB]1 blob sn#078579 filedate 1973-12-23 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00006 00003	2.0	Intellectual Entity.
C00008 00004	3.0	The Robot's Mind.
C00010 00005	4.0	The Sentient Conscious Mind Self Ego.
C00012 00006	Intellectual Entities - Pass Two.
C00014 00007	The Impact of a Theory of Intellect.
C00019 00008	Prejudice
C00021 00009	Identifying and Overcoming the Homocentric Prejudice.
C00022 00010	
C00024 00011	4. The nature or the soul.
C00025 ENDMK

                          Bruce g. Baumgart
0.0	Abstract.

	One style of a  computer oriented theory of mind  is depicted
as  an elaboration of the  familiar analogy that the  brain is like a
computer and that the mind is like a system of programs running  in a
computer.   The  implications of  taking this  analogy seriously  are
discussed;  and objections  to believing  the analogy are  stated and
answered. Unfortunately, the  detailed construction of  sophisticated
artificial mind  software (or the  reading of natural  mind software)
can not be done with present day technology, 1974; so in that sense
this paper is fantasy  science, conjectures are made and  hung in the
air unsupported. The purpose of this paper is not to confront the man
who  doesn't believe  the  canons  of  Artificial  Intelligence;  the
purpose of  this paper  is to encourage  computer freaks  to approach
intellectual entities as a programming system design problem.


1.0	The Grand Artificial Intelligence Reseach Scenerio.

	Consider   the    following   dream   scenerio:    Artificial
Intelligence  research  suddenly  becomes  the  single  top  national
priority; that  in order  to beat  the Russians,    Chinese,   Energy
Crisis,   Cancer  and so  on; nearly  unlimited resources  (up to  30
gigadollars   per  year)  are  to  be   directed  to  building  truly
intelligent and conscious  and benevolent computer robots,   whatever
that might mean exactly.  The requirements for the robot are somewhat
vague and broad: the robot is expected to be at least as smart as  an
average human, to  sing and dance,  to  speak,  to program,  to think
and to do  well on the verbal and mathematical college entrance board
tests as well as the graduate record tests as well as on Turing tests
and so  on. The national  director of A.I.   (a General  Groves type)
likes  you;  and so  will support  your  particular line  of research
(which he doesn't really understand); how will you proceed ?

2.0	Intellectual Entity.
	Hardware Systems.

	I would proceed, with sangfroid, by viewing the desired robot
as a computer system;  and that the design goal is that the system is
to be like a man. Since it will be convenient to be able to  refer to
to  men,   animals,    computers,    robots,   cyborgs  and  androids
collectively,    I  will  use the  term  "intellectual  entity".   An
intellectual entity, is  a physical object  that has the  appropriate
organs of power supply, memory, thought processing, input and output;
to enable effective mind like action in the physical world. In  order
to get started,  I would divide the robot  system into sub systems by
crossing  a   high  school  biology  definition   of  life  into  the
requirements for a Mars explorer.

	| Seven Intellectual Entity Sub Systems:		|
	|							|
	|		1. Power Supply System.			|
	|		2. Perception.				|
	|		3. Locomotion.				|
	|		4. Manipulation.			|
	|		5. Computation.				|
	|		6. Communication.			|
	|		7. Replication.				|

3.0	The Robot's Mind.
	Software Systems.

	The  mind of  the robot  is  a system  of  programs and  data
structures;  that is  the  mind is  the software  of  an intellectual
entity. There is of  course the usual nomensclature confusion  having
to do with emulating or simulating hardware; but the confusion can be
avoided  by observing that at the very  bottom there is real hardware
and  at  the   very  top  there  is   real  software  and  that   the
hardware/software  trade offs  for  processors in  between  is not  a
system design question but a question of economic implementation.

	A second issue of nomensclature concerns whether the software
is being executed or not; as I have defined it, mind is not a process
in the computer sense of the word "process" but is rather  a program;
that allows us to  say that the mind is running  or not running (that
the mind is conscious or unconscious will be a different more restricted

	Memory structures.
		Self Model.
		World Model Quantitative
		World Model Qualitative.

		Job Scheduling & Resource Allocation.
		Self Programmer, cerebellum
		Program Execution.
4.0	The Sentient Conscious Mind Self Ego.

	Interrupt dispatch routine
	self grip: safety, emotion, attention, immediate goal,
		job scheduling, resource allocator
	reality grip: time & place, current external context,

	Ego unity principle underlying subjective experience.
	Immediate perceptions: pain, emotion, concept.

The stream of consciousness:
	self dialogue, attention mechanism,
	privacy ? uniqueness.
	knows, remembers, desires, suffers pain (pleasure)
	goal evaluator,

	Difference between a conscious act and a sub-conscious act.

	The first and biggest inescapible physical, philosophical and
religious question is: who and what the fuck am I ? The existence
of yourself as the prime observer is the most immediate and unavoidable
fact of life.
Intellectual Entities - Pass Two.

An  intellectual  entity consists of memory, processor, input
and output. Memory consists  of  address  and  assertion.  Processor
consists  of  data conversion, command interpretation and conditional
branching. Input and output, like  memory,  consist  of  address  and
content  but  refer  to  a  world external to the memory space of the
intellectual entity.

	Memory consists of assertion and address. Assertion  consists	
of  container and contents. Within the frame of reference of a single
intellectual entity,  memory  assertion  container  is  hardware  and
memory  assertion  content  is  software.   The  container has memory
states, memory states have size, the smallest atom of memory is the
bit; a bit has two states.
The Impact of a Theory of Intellect.
	The attainment  of a  TECHNICAL theory  of intelligence  will
have  a massive  impact on  human existence. At  present,   there are
several areas of  research relating to  intellectual systems.   There
are   cybernetic,    genetic,   psychological,    physiological   and
philosophical  approachs;  there  is also  the  dichotomy  between so
called "natural" and "artificial" intelligence research.  However,  I
wish  to  speculate for  a  moment on  what  happens  when all  these
intelligence researchers  find the  knowledge  for which  they  seek,
when the phenomena of intelligence arising in  genes and silicon is
well  understood  and  a  corresponding  intelligence  technology  is

	A theory of intelligence,  like the Copernician and Darwinian
theories, will further reduce the self centered divinity in mankind's
image of himself. The  mind and soul of man will  be exposed to study
and  modification  and  man  will no  longer  be  the  culmination of
evolution, but will replace himself with better intellectual entities
some of  which will grow out  of individual men  who build themselves
into androids; other  entities will be  built by men  as robots;  and
finally androids and robots will replicate themselves and others.

	A  theory of  intelligence  will  have  a massive  affect  on
national, international, political and military affairs. Like nuclear
physics, a theory of intelligence  has a number of atomic bombs  that
will become accessible even before  the whole theory takes shape. For
better  and for worse there will be  the potential of robot soldiers,
super minds,    bio-engineering,   monsters,   oracles,    disasters,
immortality, interstellar space  travel,  genetic modification, brain
modification,  group  intelligence,  inter  mind  communication,  and
transmigration of souls.

	The impact of a theory of intelligence on mankind will exceed
the scientific,  social and philosophical impact of the atomic  bomb,
Darwin,  the steam engine,  Copernicus,  the printing press,  Christ,
fire  and agriculture.   A  massive landing  of extra  terrestials is
humdrum when compared  to the implications of  knowing the nature  of

	A technical discussion of the nature of a theory of intellect
is highly prone to becoming dead ended in a circular argument based on
honest but irreconcible prejudice.

	1. Homocentric Prejudice.
	2. Supernatural Prejudice.

	Revelation and unsharable introspection.
	Inaccessible Knowledge,
	that the mind mystery should not be solved.
	The "Well, we don't understand
	   the brain yet" kissoff prejudice.

There are several theistic positions; god given soul and Berkelian

	A second kind of supernaturalist is the person who puts great
store  on  the  fact that  present  day  physics  is incomplete.  The
ultimate  nature  of  matter,  the  unified  field  theory,  and  the
cosmology of the  primeval singularity are still  awaiting a physical
explaination;  from these mysteries the ultraphysical supernaturalist
argues that the mystery  of mind could depend on  hereto undiscovered
kinds of force, particles or whatever.

Identifying and Overcoming the Homocentric Prejudice.

	1. Star Trek Transporter Trauma.
	2. Software soul.
	3. Transmigration of souls.
1. The mind is a finite hierarcy of processors.

	The homiculum theory of intellect is essential correct. Within the
head of the larger man is a set of smaller men; and within the head of
each of the smaller man are yet smaller men; and so on, AD FINITUM,
to a finite number and no further.
In the end there is a smallest intellectual entity.

2. Mind is to matter as software is to hardware.

	The mind is a program running in the hardware of the brain.
So in order to grasp the  relation between mental events and
physical events; we must investigate  the relation between software
and hardware.
The interface between the hardware and the software seems to be well
understood at the informal social level; hardware people use...
	The physicist, Richard Feynman, lectured that although an electron
does not act entirely like a particle and light does not act entirely like
a wave, there is one consolation: light and electrons act like each other.
Men do not act entirely like angels; computers do not act entirely like
simple machines; however men and computers act like each other.

3. The free will illusion.

4. Emotions.
	Love - hate.
4. The nature or the soul.
	Transmigration of souls: over telephone.
	Simu-Man vs. Mind Transfer.

5. Privacy of mental events fallacy.

	The conjecture is stated that the mental events of an
intellectual entity are absolutely private. That 
To "infer" pain is different than to "experience" pain.

The alternative is that any number of gods, demons, telepaths and
cyber-neuro-surgeons can read an individual's mind.

	Scientific American Math Column - 
	What will it take to convince you that an external intellectual
entity is totally aware of your mental events.